ISTANBUL- Işık Plastik has acquired all outstanding shares of Ug Plastic Inc. from Shamil Berdiev, main shareholder of Ug Oil Plast, globally leading manufacturer of multiwall polypropylene , multiwall and solid polycarbonate sheets. Read More
İSTANBUL- Işık Plastik, dünyanın önde gelen polipropilen ve polikarbonat levha üreticisi Ug Oil Plast'ın ana hissedarı Shamil Berdiev'den Ug Plastik A.Ş.'nin tüm tedavüldeki hisselerini satın aldı.Habere Devam Et
Işık Plastik meets its products together in architectural structures, greenhouses, artistic design applications, food packaging, fair and exhibition areas, lighting applications, medical products, technology, communication, transportation, security, shortly wherever life is experienced.With Passion…
PACKEXPO INTERNATIONAL 2022 Packaging Fair is taking place in Chicago-USA between October 23-26, 2022 in Chicago. Among nearly 50 thousand participants, Işık Plastik joins with its Thermoform Food Packaging products under the Vivapak brand.
In October 19-26 2022, Işık Plastik will participate with its Industrial Plastic Sheet products under the Policam brand to K2019 which is the world's largest plastic and rubber fair that will be held in Duesseldorf, Germany. Consisting 71% of the international participants, "K Fair", which is organized once in 3 years and considered as the most important fair of the sector.
Interpack Packaging Fair which would take place again in Dusseldorf, Germany between 25 February - 03 March 2021, has been postponed to 2023 due to "Covid-19". We will be waiting impatiently to host you at our booth in this fair, which we regularly attend.
Işık Plastik attends to the "Agro World International Agriculture Fair", which will take place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on March 2-04 2021, with its Policam brand and Multi-Wall Polycarbonate Sheet which is the most efficient coating material for greenhouses.